
M.Pedersen - Music off the beaten track

This website represents an attempt to present a series of investigations into the musical relation between sound and materiality, and into some of the more occult or esoteric atmospheres of the mental soundscapes of the 21st Century.

We have been examining the aesthetics of broken instruments, data deformation, circuit-bending, found objects, non-idiomatic improvisation, and extreme recording techniques.

On these explorations and excursions off all beaten (and sensible) tracks, we have found a vast material of musical strangeness. The musical context is somewhere between electro-acoustic music, noise and free improvisation.

In the menu to the right you will find the titles of the different projects, and on their respective pages you will find links to Youtube videos of all pieces and compositions, and you will be able to stream or download the music in full format (wav.) from Soundcloud or Bandcamp.


Michael Pedersen